Thursday 6 April 2023

Dolphins, sweet teenage romance, ESP, spiritual insights, and soporific scenery


This was a recommendation and gift from my friend. I honestly can't remember if I've read her most famous book A Wrinkle in Time but this book has been a charming read. 

I am finding it difficult to describe for some reason. It's intensely personal - written in the first person - and definitely gives off an INFJ or INFP vibe. The protagonist and speaker seems like a HSP and so that deeply resonates as for some reason it seems to be a rarer perspective. 

Interspersed with nature imagery and close personal relationships - complex emotions, and a beautiful descriptive encounter with dolphins.

This has piqued my interest in dolphins, the force of ESP with which the protagonist communicates with others and her new dolphin friends is especially interesting.

All in all a charming read. Enjoyed reading about the life of the author as well and she is certainly a prolific one.