Tuesday, 15 May 2018

all over the map

I have had this blog for awhile now. At first I wrote about my cross cultural experiences living in Italy, my kids, some of my thoughts etc. Then I decided that was too personal and vulnerable and I removed them all from here and reverted them to drafts.

I revamped the blog in 2017 and made it about the books I'd read which reads like a school assignment - only with worse grammar and much funnier.

I don't want to spill all like some bloggers, although reading about other people's stuff can be interesting and make you feel better (or worse) about your own.

I also feel guilty blogging because I hate reading other people's blogs. (not hate, just don't take the time. If have time to read I prefer a book.) I felt it would be inauthentic and unfair for me to blog when I don't take time to read other blogs. It's like having a conversation where you do all the talking. 

I have been listening to Elizabeth Gilbert's podcasts about the creative process, based on her book Magic Lessons. They've been fun in a lot of ways. They also helped me to realize how much I long to share my writing, and how afraid I am of sharing my writing. It's so much safer to not convey. I can have a pristine face for the world to see. What if someone catches a glimpse of me through my art? What if they laugh? Liz would say "What if they do? They're probably laughing at you anyway, giving you flack, or most likely not thinking about you at all. And if you put yourself out there they might despise you, like you, or love you for like one minute and then they won't be thinking about you again."

I guess this is me giving myself a pep talk on a public forum (That no one reads because I don't promote haha.)

So I might be doing more writing, about writing, the creative process and maybe my forays into sharing more. I might retreat again after experimenting, but life's too short not to grow and not to experiment, and not to risk disapproval for something.