Tuesday, 7 February 2017

the life-changing magic of tidying up by Marie Kondo

The title is not capitalized which makes it plebeian and accessible to all. I figure there's two types of people who would want to read this book: those who are hoarders and/or clutterflutters and those who are obsessed with minimizing and maintaining neatness. Since I fall into the latter category to some degree, I was thrilled that my friend sent this to me. I had coveted it at Costco once but the above trait prevented me from buying it - ironically. 

It has some great tips. I tried the folding thing - but I think Marie will have to show me that one. One of the pieces I carried away from this book is that inanimate objects respond to proper care and placement. I totally believe this. This computer is a virtual dinosaur and it is only alive by sweet talking. If you're trying to decide whether or not to keep something hold it in your hands (unless its larger than you smarty pants) and reflect on your feelings for it - nostalgia, need, guilt, fear...?

Oh, and because of my particular weakness, it was good for me to be reminded of the beauty of the joyful chaos of sharing space with others. As Marie walks in after a long day and gently unpacks her purse, puts on her loungewear which is beautiful and comfortable, and sips a cup of tea surrounded only by the things she loves... She admits, you musn't try to minimize the things of those around you.

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