Thursday, 20 July 2017

Love Wins - Rob Bell

Bell challenges some conventional assumptions that mainstream Christianity has maintained for several centuries.

He approaches it honestly and tries to dive into the millennium across cultures - I respect this.

I have asked myself many of the same questions and come to much of the same conclusions.
I guess this book was a pretty cool affirmation of some things that I've figured out the hard way: by going across cultures, asking questions, going back to the source, studying church history, processing with people, and thinking....

I still feel the path is narrow, but I think many will be very surprised by just what that means. There is less of a formula then we've marketed it to be Perhaps the way of the kingdom isn't just about heaven and hell, but about creating helping to create heaven on earth. However, I think there's more to it than just doing good deeds. After all the first lines of the Shema (OT code above all) is "Love God with all your heart, soul, strength." Whilst we can't separate the love of God from acts of love to others, we must remember that he desires our total allegiance, obedience,  and intimate love first and foremost.

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