Monday, 18 December 2017

Megalomania of church craziness

The Way of the Dragon or the Way of the Lamb
James Goggin and Kyle Strobel

These guys had some good things to say. It's hard to bear with two different writing styles in a book. I usually prefer to read just one and unless you read it multiple times, it's hard to keep track of their different personalities.

This book was packed with scripture references. This is one of my pet peeves with evangelical writers. They write like they're writing a thesis paper and you can tell that these guys are steeped in academia. Nothing wrong with that - it will get you a good grade on your paper and a pat on the back from your dissertation prof or whatever they call those guys - but it doesn't make for engaging reading for your average person who wants to quickly get to the guts of what you're trying to say.

This book could've been summarized in nice long blog post. There could have been a lovely intro about being humble instead of modelling the corporate world in the church with a few scripture references and examples. Then the following section could have been bullet point insights that they gained from the heroes of the faith that they interviewed.

That being said, the gist of their message is needed. The church needs to stop aping the business model and start aping Jesus. The evangelical model of church that reached its peak in the 80s with its attraction model hyper aggressive sell the gospel showdowns is on the decline. Many people don't seem to realize that though and won't for some time. I am deeply convinced that God works in and through all different kinds of church models. There is no "right" way to convene. However, the megalomania of church craziness is distasteful to me and I'm not alone. The clear message here is pastoring is about serving not spearheading. 

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