Friday, 25 January 2019

Sad Missing Books

Over the past ten months I have read many books, some of them very good. Life happened and I didn't get to write about them. I want to document my standouts briefly here:

Image result for the glass castle
The Glass Castle - Jeannette Walls

I happened on this movie first on Amazon Prime and it blew me away so I had to read the book. I still don't know why this story moves me so much, but I love the characters and Jeannette's ability to integrate the challenges and joys of her unique upbringing.

Willa Cather - Death Comes for the Archbishop

Image result for Death of an Archbishop

I have been a fan of Cather since I read My Antonia as a child. I adored reading this book. Probably because New Mexico is calling to me. Again the intersection of Native American, Catholic Europe, and manifest destiny here - fascinating and something I've been pondering since my Ramona project.

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