Tuesday, 6 July 2021

Takeaways from Rita


Library y'all! Rita Coolidge was a rising star in the sixties heyday when folksy southerners melded into the rock scene with brits and others. Rita Coolidge formed the band Walela in later years and I love!!!! Unabashed Indian junkie. 

Positive takeaways:
 - singing isn't just about having this perfect voice and pipes. It's also about connecting to the song and the listeners!! I really love when artists perform their own songs even when their voices aren't spectacular - it's about the expression and the meaning behind the art. I'm not downplaying working hard and being talented. I'm just saying - no one should have a patent on art as expression. I love her voice.

 - At one point she talked about being tired of performing her same famous songs that everyone wanted to hear. She wanted to transition to her new stuff. She made a connection by going to a concert herself and realizing how for the audience - the live performance was fresh and exciting. Performing is for the listener too. I think this could be applied to lots of things we do that seem repetitious to us (teaching, massage therapy, etc... cooking) but perhaps to others is new and exciting and means a great deal. We have to try to get into their perspective in order to keep it fresh for us as well. 

 - you may have had a horrible night, feel awful. and tired - but if you don't tell anyone they won't know! I am always so aware of my limitations when it comes to energy, but I think this is kind of like a "fake it til you make it" kind of self therapy that sometimes is effective when dealing with fatigue and you can still get out there and perform, speak, work, whatever it is - if you need to.

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